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Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Theme: Approaching my challenges by always seeking God first for guidance and wisdom as I realize that it is not the father but God who is the real head of my family. -Mary Ward

What are your challenges as a student?

-          Family

-          School

-          Friends, environment

How do you seek God first?

-          Prayer

-          Study

-          church

To guide in wisdom

-          Discipline

-          Respect

-          Orderliness

-          Conscience

-          Smart

I.                   John 8:32:

“You will know the truth will make you free” RSV

-          Today’s youth to be mature tomorrow

-          Freedom and truth and oneself

-          Education without the self knowledge is nothing- unexamined life is not worthy living

-          Lack of knowledge makes one to be a slave

-          86% unaware of personal formation

II.                Matt 15:19: “From the heart comes forth wicked intention, evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander. These are those that defiles … Self education brings, pulls from the self, you can’t know the truth about yourself

1.      Behaviour – Immediately visible, perceptible, gestures, doing things-saying

2.      Attitude – Area of incoherence- condition, assumed attitude.

3.      Sentimental – Feelings-emotional response linking to the outside world- being able to understand yourself- what drives you-acting-behaviour, consciously or unconsciously.

4.      Motivations – Activity, determination. Failing to plan is a good plan for failing

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