| Apostles of Jesus | Fr. John Stephen Ariko | ajvocations@yahoo.com |
| 0721995473/0732430663 |
| Apostolic Carmelites, |
| Archdiocese of Kusumu, | Fr Peter steve Ochieng | frpetersteve&yahoo.com |
| 0735176114;0722655178 |
| Archdiocese of Mombasa, | Fr. Raphael Kanga | frkangar@yahoo.com |
| 0722667271 |
| Archdiocese of Nairobi, |
| Assumption Sisters of Eldoret, | Sr. Agatha Tanui | agathajemu@gmail.com | (053)153 148 | 0722671972 |
| Assumption Srs of Nairobi | Sr. Elizabeth Nyambura | embogo2002@yahoo.com |
| +254 722619179 |
| Augustinian Missionary Sisters, | Sr. Salome Mukami | salokami@gmail.com |
| 0725828966 |
| Augustinians of the Assumption | Br. Simon Njuguna (Tz) | leonshayo2006@yahoo.com | (020) 3872371 | +254 721 413 981 |
| Augustinians of the Assumptions | Justin K. Mwendakulalal (Ke) |
| (020) 3872371 | +254 721413 981 |
| Benebikira Sisters, | Sr. Mary Florence Asimwe |
| 0726949444 |
| Benedictine Sisters of the Divine Providence, | Sr. Regina Ivayo | joanakenya@yahoo.com | (056) 31329 | 0729808895 |
| Bros of St. Charles Lwanga, | Br. Tom Aquinas Ochieng | brtom2006@yahoo.com | (056)41019 | 0735181033; 0724 275 608 |
| Brothers of Charity, | Br. Augustine Bwampanye |
| 883 376;883 378 |
| Brothers of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, | Br. Zacchaeus O. Olweny | zacchaeus_olweny@yahoo.com |
| 0723 349 188 |
| Brothers of St. Joseph, | Br. Dominic Maina |
| 0722 405 461 |
| Camillian Sisters | Sr. Suzan Wangu/Sr. Jannet Akoth |
| (020) 891 376;890987 | 0727 773 446 |
| Camillians Servant of the Sick | Fr. Richard Mutuku | camillianvocationkenya@gmail.com | (020)891729 | +254 722386620 |
| Cannocians (Daughters of Charity) | Sr. Eilis O Kelly | eilisdc@eircom.net | (020)3876025 | 0722782401; 0725559777 |
| Cannocians (Daughters of Charity) | Sr. Leticia Kazimoto |
| Capuchin Sisters | Sr. Alem Astha | caprubvocations@yahoo.com | (0200 3866545 | +254 723 848 267 |
| Carmelite Fathers, | Fr. Boniface M. Kimondolo | bonikim@gmail.com |
| 0724320662 |
| Carmelite Missionaries | Sr. Stella .N. Edeh | cmstellaneh@yahoo.com | (045) 22295 | _254 722 485 963 |
| Carmelite Missionaries | Sr. Linda Nabohe | lynnonebokhe@yahoo.com |
| 0722485963 |
| Carmelite of Mary Immaculate, |
| Christian Brothers | Br. Peter Cole | ace.cfc@gmail.com | (020) 603 865 |
| Claretian Missionaries, | Fr. Fredrick Wanzala | frwanzala@yahoo.com |
| 0725 486 112 |
| CMM Brothers, | Br. Zaccheaus Arsoro | brozacc0@yahoo.co.uk | 0512215208 | 0721 3378 654 |
| Comboni Missionaries, | Fr. Paul Kambo | pkambo2002@yahoo.com | (020) 387 6063 | 0722 558 494 |
| Comboni Missionary Sisters | Sr. Celine Angua |
| (020) 783 968 | +254 723 557 097 |
| Consolata Missionaries | Fr. Kizito Mukalazi | mvaofficekenya@gmail.com | (020)444 1059/2794 | +254 721560 734 |
| Consolata Missionaries | Fr. Charles Gachingiri | cgachingiri@yahoo.co.uk |
| +256 772998217; 072610203 |
| Consolata Missionaries | Fr. George Omondi | omogeo@gmail.com |
| 0717547246 |
| Consolata Missionaries | Fr. Nicholas Makau |
| Consolata Missionary Sisters, | Sr. Sonia Lobo de Carvaiho | carvalholobo@yahoo.com | (020)2720727 | 0733476041; 0723587881 |
| Contollengo Sisters, | Sr. Fridah Karwirwa | cottolengos@gmail.com |
| 0713695865 |
| Cottolengo Fathers, | Fr. Emilio Gitonga | emwingwa@gmail.com |
| 0724226864 |
| Cottolengo Sisters | Luisa Makena | mukothima@cottolengo.org |
| 0701061620 |
| Cottolengo Sisters | Sr. Catherine Gathoni | suore.tuuru@cotolengo.org |
| 072490262 |
| Daughters of Divine Love, | Sr. Pauline Andrew | pollyanddy@yahoo.com |
| 0727063578 |
| Daughters of Mary (Bannabiikira Srs), | Sr.Sperenza Muhairwe, Mujuni | muhaspera@yahoo.com |
| 0734955174 |
| Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Dimesse Sisters, | Sr. Agnes Wamiti/Sr. Suzan Kibiri |
| (020)8823441 | 0724 939 871 |
| Daughters of Our Lady Queen of the Rosary, | Sr Julia Dopo |
| 0720 696 474 |
| Daughters of St Theresa of the Child Jesus, | Sr. Specioza Adyeeri |
| 0721 594 594 |
| Daughters of St Therese of the Child Jesus, | Sr. Theresa Moraa |
| 0734 202 164 |
| Daughters of St. Anne, | Sr. Soine Karianka |
| (020)882 875 |
| Daughters of St. Joseph of Caburlotto, | Sr. Maria Astrella Acenas |
| 0720 245 039;0728752457 |
| Daughters of St. Joseph of Caburlotto, | Sr. Maria Margie Vidal | fsgc.olepolos@gmail.com |
| Daughters of St. Paul, | Sr. Theresia Swai | teddyfsp2002@yahoo.co.uk | 4442105 | 0723 727 418 |
| Daughters of the Heart of Mary, | Sr. Marystella Kariuki | swangechit@gmail.com | (020) 2405 242 | 0720 267 188 |
| Daughters of the Sacred Heart, | Sr. Alice Wanjiru | wanalicen@yahoo.co.uk | (020) 891 256 | 0734 830 592 |
| De La Salle Brothers | Br. Paul Anderson Karori | pakamu2005b@yahoo.com |
| 0721872171 |
| Dimesse Sisters | Sr. Susan Kibiri |
| 0722653596 |
| Diocese of Bugoma, |
| Diocese of Eldoret, |
| Diocese of Embu, | Fr John Njeru Machara |
| (068) 31 531;(068)53418 | 0721 432 453 |
| Diocese of Garissa, |
| Diocese of Homabay, |
| Diocese of Isiolo, |
| Diocese of Kakamega, |
| Diocese of Kericho, |
| Diocese of Kisii, | Fr. Benjamin Ndemo | sandiriben@yahoo.com |
| 0733455372 |
| Diocese of Kitale, |
| Diocese of Kitui, | Fr Peter Muvea |
| (044) 22844 | 0722 229 020 |
| Diocese of Lodwar, |
| Diocese of Machakos, | Fr. Peter Mwema |
| (044) 21998 | 0722 558 494 |
| Diocese of Malindi, | Fr. Michael Babu | kweru@yahoo.com | (042) 31489 | 0723476411 |
| Diocese of Maralal, |
| Diocese of Marsabit | Fr. John Ikundu | jokusaelimo@yahoo.com |
| 0728513703 |
| Diocese of Meru, | Fr. Moses Miriira | frmosesmuriira@yahoo.com |
| 0722 893 845 |
| Diocese of Murang'a, | Fr. Moses Kangunya | moseskagunya@yahoo.com | (060) 31254 | 0722 946 155 |
| Diocese of Nakuru, |
| Diocese of Ngong |
| Diocese of Nyahururu, | Fr. Simon Mwai Ndung'u | simmwai20007@gmail.com |
| 0721 577 345;0734 747 895 |
| Diocese of Nyeri, | Fr. Rchard Mwaniki |
| (060) 203 0446;(061)72248 | 0736195455 |
| Discalced Carmelite Friars, | Br. Dec Felix Kalida | vocarmelkenya@yahoo.com | (020)890487/9 | 0725 140 774 |
| Divine Word Missionaries, |
| Dominican Friars, | Fr. Charles Kato | vocations@eafricadominicans.org |
| 0723 712 907 |
| Dominican M. Sisters, | Sr. Mary Mukwai | mnchere@yahoo.com |
| 0735 565 460 |
| Dominican Nuns, | Sr. Therese Ganatha | domnuns@yahoo.com | (020)882 548 | 0722 428 256 |
| Dominican Sisters, | Sr. Lucyline Kawira |
| (020)882 548 | 0722 428 256;0735 346 152 |
| Evangelising Sisters of Mary | Sr. Carolyn Maingi |
| (020)239260652 | 0736868170; 0713928912 |
| Evangelising Sisters of Mary, | Sr. Verosa T. Massawe/Sr. Francesca Mushi |
| 0786807644 | 0725050992; +255766079569 |
| Evangelising Srs of Mary | Sr. Angelina Sebby Nangira | nangirasebby@yahoo.com |
| 0720239392 |
| Fran. Srs of our lady og Good Counsel, | Sr. Regina Mutinda | regina090@hotmail.com |
| 0734073351 |
| Franciscam Missionaries, | Sr. Ancilla Rodriques |
| (050) 50752 |
| Franciscan Brothers | Br. Mathews Nyachot | anyachotmathew@yahoo.com | (051) 721 100 | 0710746622 |
| Franciscan Capchin Friars, | Fr. Paul Silas Nzomo |
| 0720 249 317 |
| Franciscan Conventuals, | Fr. Edward Wambua | edwardmulwa@yahoo.com |
| 0720 242433 |
| Franciscan Elizabethan Sisters, | Sr. Elizabeth Ndirangu | srlizandi@yahoo.com |
| 0728802083 |
| Franciscan Miss. of St. Joseph (MHM) | Sr. Mary Monari | marymonari@yahoo.com |
| 0714357374 |
| Franciscan Missionaries of Mary | Sr. Madalene |
| 0724 865 675 |
| Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, | Sr. Justina Hong | justinafmm@yahoo.co.kr |
| 0720 204 558; 0737847673 |
| Franciscan Missionaries of St. Joseph, | Sr. Medrine Musundi | medyimboha@yahoo.com | (053)51041 | 0721 735 045 |
| Franciscan of Immaculate Conception | Sr. Ligia Ninette Ramos | ligiaNinette@hotmail.com |
| 0701409882 |
| Franciscan of Immaculate Conception | Sr. Lidia de la Trinidad Hernandez Moro | lydiadelatrinidad3@hotmail.com |
| 0710829394 |
| Franciscan Sisters of St Joseph, Asumbi, | Sr. Alice Ndung'u |
| 07222402167 |
| Franciscan Sisters of St. Ann, | Sr. Joseph Bunde |
| 0723631350 |
| Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate, | Sr. Stella George |
| 0773626872 |
| Franciscan Srs of St. Joseph (Mill Hill Srs), | Sr. Meir Montiel |
| 07355678250 |
| franciscan Srs of the Immaculate Conception, | Sr. Ritamaris onah | oritamaris@yahoo.co.uk | 0710728228 | 0733706683 |
| Franciscan Srs. Of Immaculate Conception | Sr. Gaudensia Awino |
| 0721947819 |
| Franciscan Srs. Of Immaculate Conception | Sr. Monica Nkirote |
| 0727858138 |
| Franciscans of Hope, | Fr. Basiimwa R. John | jbasiimwa@yahoo.co.uk |
| 0725 222 492 |
| Franciscans OFM, |
| Frans. Srs of the Heart of Jesus, | Sr. Everlyn K. Maobe | ekwambokam@yahoo.com |
| 0720 132 365 |
| Frans. Srs of the Heart of Jesus, | Sr. Sarah Maina | amonasam@yahoo.co.uk |
| 0724 351 657 |
| Good shepherd sisters | Sr. Bernedatte Kalandu | muindibernadette@yahoo.com |
| 0715075024 |
| Good Shepherd Sisters | Sr. Justicia | nekesajusticia@gmail.com |
| 0718811287 |
| Good Shepherd Sisters, | Sr. Rosemary Karutani | rosekaru@yahoo.com | 06830236 | 0725 469 790 |
| Grace & Compassion Benedictines, | Sr. Mary Carol Were | graceandcompassion@gmail.com | 05522428 | 0718444786/0734008592 |
| Holy Ghost Fathers, | Fr Sospeter Kiarie | sospeterkiarie@yahoo.com | (020) 2339361/2 | 0721 498 385 |
| Holy Rosary Sisters, | Sr. Ifeoma Omwudinjo | onwudinjo@yahoo.com | (020)256097 | 0720964526 |
| Hospitalles Order of St John of God, | Br. Nicholas N'sale |
| 0712409349 |
| Immaculate Heart Sisters, | Sr. Janeangelina Obado |
| 0710825163 |
| Institute of Charity (Rosminians), | Fr. Diomed, Nitunga |
| +255 784732607 |
| Institute of Holy Trinity | Sr. Gladys Murori | isiolodiocese@wananchi.com |
| 0717498750 |
| Liitle Servants of the Sacred Heart | Sr. Margret Wamboi | muchirast@yahoo.it |
| 0723132726 |
| Little Daughters of St. Joseph, | Sr. Monicah N. Njenga |
| 0721 448 777 |
| Little Missi. Sisters of Charity (Don Orione), | Sr. Mary Catherine Karimi | lmscnbi@gmail.com | (020) 883 744/52 | 0725 659 828 |
| Little Servants of the Sacred Heart, | Sr. Margret Wamboi | muchirast.yahoo.it |
| 0723132726 |
| Little Sisters of St Francis, | Sr. Jacinta Mbithe |
| (020) 6752753 | 0734170341 |
| Little Sisters of St Joseph, | Sr. Anita Madara |
| (020) 387 8326 |
| Little Sisters of St Joseph, | Sr. Colleta Boyani | cboyani@yahoo.co.uk | (020)3870904 | 0720 746 545 |
| Little Sisters of St. Joseph, | Sr. Cecilia N. Omoro |
| 0735445841 |
| Little Sisters of St. Joseph, | Sr. Francisca Anyango |
| 0720 828 883 |
| Little Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, | Sr. Suzan Karimi |
| (050) 50846 | 0725055105 |
| Little Srs of St Therese of the Child Jesus, | Sr Lucy Ann Nthira |
| (020) 882336 |
| Little Srs. Of st. Therese of the Child Jesus | Mary Agnes Nkhatha | theresevocanim@gmail.com |
| 0723618450 |
| Loreto Sisters, | Sr. Caitriona Kelly | ckellyibvm@hotmail.com |
| 0721 761 720; 0737159901 |
| Marianist, | Br. Ben Mwai | cavarishi@yahoo.com |
| 0725 506 529 |
| Marist Brothers, |
| Medical Missionaries of Mary | Sr. Mary O'Malley | mary@momalley.or.ke |
| 0733431962/0724028205 |
| Medical Missionary Sisters, | Sr Christine Kivungi | angiyamms@yahoo.com | (020) 444 6221 | 0723 630 632 |
| Mill Hill Missionaries | Fr. Michael Ochwo | mochwo@yahoo.com | (057) 2023 908 | 0724 596 493 |
| Miss., Sisters of the Holy Family, | Sr. Irene Mbaya |
| (020)890 429 | 0733 763 176 |
| Miss.,Sisters of the Holy Family, | Sr. Clare Gitonga | lamentnrb@gmail.com |
| 0726 508 773 |
| Missi., of St. Francis De Sales (Fransalians), | Fr. Reji Joseph |
| 0735 553 651 |
| Missi.,Srs of Our Lady of Africa (MSOLA), | Sr. Chimwemwe Mgangira | msola@wananci.com |
| 0717272791 |
| Missinary of Charity of Immaculate Mary, | Sr. Veronica Blanco | turoni32@hotmail.com |
| 0724818572 |
| Missionaries of Africa | Fr. Victor Lijaji | viclijaji@yahoo.fr |
| +255789275988 |
| Missionaries of Africa | Fr. Petro Komba |
| +255789275988 |
| Missionaries of Africa, | Fr. Charles Obanya | obanyacharles@yahoo.com | (020) 665 660 | 0726 621 307 |
| Missionaries of Africa, | Fr. Alex Mutasingwa | alexmutasingwa@gmail.com |
| Missionary Benedictine Sisters, | Sr. Lucy Ndungu | shirocindy@yahoo.com |
| 0724698113 |
| Missionary Benedictine Sisters, | Sr. Paula W. Wanyama | swanyama@hotmail.com | 882 460 | 0721 556 027 |
| Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, | Fr Fidele Munkiele |
| 0734 413 276 |
| Missionary Sisters of Catechism | Sr. Grace Koech | grace-koech@yahoo.com |
| 0729805140 |
| Missionary Sisters of our Lady of Apostles | Sr. Catherine Esiekpe | escatoca@yahoo.com |
| +255787513491 |
| Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family | Sr. Caludia Kagwiria | evakiambati@yahoo.com |
| 0733762186 |
| Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family | Sr. Rosemary Kananu |
| 0714981293 |
| Missiopnary Benedictine Sisters | Sr. Lucy Ndung'u | shirocindy@yahoo.com |
| 0724698113 |
| MMM Sisters, | Sr Lavina Samky | srlevinaclara@yahoo.com |
| 0755841588 |
| Mont Fort Missionaries | Br. Bonface Mbewe | bonbens1@yahoo.com |
| 0729 701 652 |
| Nazareth Sisters of the Annunciation | Sr. mary Josephine Kajuju | nazarethvocations@yahoo.com |
| 0725221247 |
| Nazareth Sisters of the Annunciation, | Sr. Teresa Ann Karanja | nazsister@plansonline.net | (064) 32589/(064)31034 | 0723 737 324 |
| Order of Servants of Mary, | Fr. Mathias Kyaterekera | frmathias@gmail.com |
| Order of St Augustine, | Fr. Bob K. Ereri | bobireri2003@yahoo.com |
| 0721611387 |
| Orsoline Sisters, | Sr Florence Kirima |
| (020) 4180227 | 0724 390 217 |
| Orsoline Sisters, | Sr. Mary Roselet Fernandez |
| (020) 387 6278 | 0721 681 920 |
| Pallotine Fathers, | Fr Reginal Kimathi | regkima@yahoo.com | (020)387 5230, | 0726006026 |
| Pallotine Sisters, | Sr. Adela Munyambii |
| 0272553865 |
| Passionists Fathers, | Fr. Evans Wamba |
| (051) 721 475 | 0722 300 982 |
| Quebec Missionaries, | Fr. Richard Brodevi | richardbr588@yahoo.ca |
| 0736027824 |
| Redemptorists, | Fr George Mathew | rednairobi@yahoo.com |
| Religious of Sacred Heart (RSCJ) | Sr. Florence Tumukunde | florencetumukunde@yahoo.com |
| 0772900200 |
| Religious of the Assumption, | Sr. Daria Kamanzi |
| 0722 930 088 |
| Sacred Heart Sisters, | Sr. Jennifer Simwa |
| 0733 979 716 |
| Salesian Sisters, | Sr. Teresa Fernandes |
| Salesian Sisters, | Sr. Regina Muthuku |
| 0724 877 823 |
| Salesians of Don Bosco, | Fr. Babu Augustine |
| (020)890 510/1 | 0720 691 100 |
| School Srs of Notre Dame, | Sr. Joan Mukhwana | namulandajm@yahoo.com |
| 0722285072 |
| Servants of the Mother of God, | Marietta Samuel |
| (044) 822 314 | 0735 163466 |
| Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus & the Poor, | Sr. Martina Foschetti/Sr. Martina Toschetti |
| 0722 937 513; 0722937513 |
| Sisters of Emmanuel | Sr. Naomi Wangui | wanguiemanuel@gmail.com |
| 0729143422 |
| Sisters of Incarnate Word, | Sr. Rebbeca Waihenya | rebcowaihesh@yahoo.com | (020) 891 345 | 0724 1786 |
| Sisters of Mary Immaculate, | Sr Agnes Wambui/Sr Anne Kinya | awngari@yahoo.com | (061) 2030283 | 0722 266 634 |
| Sisters of Mary of Kakamega, | Sr Grace Juma |
| (056) 41011 | 0718980870 |
| Sisters of Mary of Loreto | Sr. Maristella Shayo |
| 0710829394 |
| Sisters of Mary Reparatrix | Sr. Immaculate Wambui | immawa@gmail.com |
| 0726 931 964 |
| Sisters of Mercy, | Sr Teresia Waraga |
| Sisters of Notre Dame de Numur, | Sr. Joy Ambani | ambanijoyce@yahoo.com |
| 0724 041 670 |
| Sisters of Notre Dame de Numur, | Sr. Apollonia Ibekwe | apoibekwesnd@yahoo.com |
| 0716602363 |
| Sisters of Notre Dame, | Sr Mary Paschalia | pascaliandunge@yahoo.com |
| 0710500869 |
| Sisters of our Lady of Charity | Sr. Emiliana Njoki Njeru | emiliananjeru@yahoo.com |
| Sisters of Our Lady of Charity, | Sr. Violet Mbabazi Makadidi | nakandiv@yahoo.com |
| 0720 379957 |
| Sisters of our Lady of the Mission | Sr. Santica Tissopi | santi.rupsi@gmail.com |
| 0736077255 |
| Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions, | Sr. Angelina Muthio |
| Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions, | Sr. Celine Rongma |
| (044) 21 463 |
| Sisters of St. Joseph, | Sr. Augustine Midi |
| (040) 4045 |
| Sisters of the Most Precious Blood, | Sr.Josephine Mueni |
| (020)201 4682 | 0714771945 |
| Sisters of the Servants of the Visitation, | Sr. Clarisa Labutab | ancellekenya@gmail.com |
| 0720 461600 |
| Society of African Missions (SMA) |
| Society of Jesus, | Fr. Stephen Nzioki | nziokisteve@yahoo.com | (020) 387 0489 | 0723 151183 |
| Sons of Divine Providence, | Fr. Peter Wambulwa |
| (020) 892 024 | 0727 297 266 |
| Sons of St. Anne, | Fr. Nyamunga Joseph | nyamusus@gmail.com |
| 0722 585329 |
| Srs of St. Joseph of Mombasa | Sr. Monica Mwangi | sistermonica83@yahoo.com |
| 0729150481 |
| Srs. Of Blessed Virgin (Tabaka) | Sr. Priscillah Ogallo, SBV |
| 0726311467 |
| Srs. Of Mary Mother of God |
| 0727398753 |
| Srs. Of Mercy | Esther Erus | eruset@yahoo.com |
| 0729770932 |
| Srs. Of our Lady of Missions | Sr. Consolata Ogola | ogolac78@yahoo.com |
| 0710963239 |
| Srs. Of St. Joseph Mombasa | Sr. Teresia Apondi | teresaobonyo@gmail.com |
| 0701742341 |
| St. Patricks Missionary Society | Fr. Brendan Payne | vocspsea@yahoo.com |
| 0733954660 |
| St. Patrick's Missionary Society | Fr. Brendan Payne | brendanp@africaonline.co.ke |
| 0733954660 |
| Teresian Carmelite Missionaries | Sr. Lucy Wangari Kwandaru | lucywangari@rocketmail.com |
| 0726897111 |
| Teresian Carmelite Missionaries, | Sr. Catherine Munyerenkora | cati3cmt@yahoo.fr | 0738340038 | 0726 897 111 |
| Ursuline Sisters, | Sr. Philomena Maweu | maweuphilomena@yahoo.com | (020) 882 384 | 0725 532 226 |
| Vincentian Fathers, | Fr. John Musolo | zealsolo@hotmail.com |
| Xaverian Brothers | Br. Moses Wafula | judebaro@yahoo.com |
| 0720686845 |
| Yarumal Missionaries, | Br. Luis Anguita | luisanguita927@hotmail.com |
| 0723644678 |